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To download the app, go to the latest release and download VRCOSCSetup.exe. Once installed, the app will automatically update to the latest version.


Do not continue to run the setup exe after it's installed. You may accidentally downgrade the app which will cause errors.


To download the prefabs, click on one of the following links:

  • Controls - Meta-controls for changing runtime settings of the app.
  • Discord - A simple implementation of using the keybinds module to control Discord mute/deafen.
  • Heartrate - A numeric heartrate display with a beating heart icon.
  • Media - The media control panel for your radial menu.
  • PiShock - The PiShock control panel for your radial menu.
  • Trackers - A collection of 3 trackers that show battery levels and charging states on Vive tracker models.
  • Watch - An analogue wrist watch to pair with DateTime.