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A small release since I've not finished a lot of the large features I wanted to get out sooner, but since there's a few bugs I wanted to get these fixed as I'm away next week. Quite a few things in this release have had a rework, and while I've tested them they're usually hardware dependant, so give them a test and let me know if anything's wrong.


  • Rewrote tracked device handler
    • This now allows users to assign roles to their tracked devices in the SteamVR tab of the settings, allowing modules to just grab, for example, the left foot.
  • Fixed Start with SteamVR not working
    • Let me know if this is still broken for some people. Fixing this depends on what's already been added to your SteamVR manifest lists
  • Fixed clip variables sometimes erroring in Unicode edge cases
  • Handle deserialisation of object types better
  • Changed runtime view to take in a type instead of an instance
    • You're now required to make the view have a constructor of (Module)
    • You're now required to initialise the runtime view in OnPreLoad
  • Add more runtime validation
  • Improved speech detection
    • This returns the partial and final results
    • The silence threshold is currently set at 15% which should work fine as long as the microphone volume is at 100% which all VR headsets should be at
  • Added back light theme
    • For now this still requires an app restart to apply

Official Modules

  • Clear parameter cache on avatar change for Counter to avoid parameters with the same name having different types
  • Updated SteamVRStats to use the new role system
  • Updated SpeechToText to new upgraded speech interface