The app should feel a little snappier to open and do tasks as I've changed the build to use ready-to-run. Let me know if this borks anything.
- Added the ability to retrieve built-in avatar parameters on module start and avatar change
- This means the parameters are no longer nullable
- Added axes player movement to Player
- Added missing built-in avatar parameters to Player
- Improved ProgressClipVariable rendering logic
- Fixed app crashing if an incorrect Whisper model path was provided
- Fixed VRCFury prefixes not being handled correctly (https://vrcosc.com/docs/V2/SDK/extras#vrcfury-parameters)
- Fixed clips not noticing when the minimal background setting is changed while the ChatBox is running
- Fixed Standable trackers being included in the SteamVR Stats info
- Fixed the ChatBox disappearing if the text stayed the same for over 30 seconds
- Fixed any Heartrate module not stopping correctly if the websocket was already disconnected
- Fixed importing module configs breaking the app while modules were running
- Fixed importing module configs breaking the ChatBox and putting it into a weird state
- Fixed VRChatLogReader crashing when stopping modules if there's no log file
- Fixed Repeater sometimes crashing in certain scenarios
- Fixed the memory usage for integrated GPUs being infinity
- Removed the Map method from the Module class in exchange for using the Interpolation class
- Removed FontAwesome5 in exchange for FontAwesome6
Official Modules
- Added Stopwatch module
- Added Leash module
- This does work with the OSCLeash prefab if you change the parameter names to match
- Currently doesn't support the Y axis or turning as this was just a test