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This changelog is purely for people who want to see what the difference between the main release and the previous V2 beta release.

If you want to see the full changelog for what's changed between V1 and V2, go here


  • Force a package refresh before manually installing just in case a package has updated
  • Fix Whisper crashing if the app still tries to process audio data if a a Whisper model isn't installed
  • Fix Whisper crashing if the recognition becomes unstable
  • Improve PackageManager UI performance
  • Fix clip element variable ordering sometimes being wrong on reorder and remove
  • Restrict timeline editing when editing a clip (for now?)
  • Changed the default state name check of a clip state to be a default name check
    • This means you can name a state "Default" and it will remove the name, but the lookup for the state can be specific just in case you may want to add more states in the future
  • Fix droppable areas sometimes generating wrong
  • Fix profile dropdown not changing when the profile is automatically switched by the current avatar
  • Fix profile automatically switching sometimes not working
  • Changed it so that received parameters aren't handled if they aren't enabled
  • Close all windows when a package change occurs, ensuring everything is serialised
  • Improve WindowManager to correctly manage windows based on a comparer
  • Changed prefab window to show links to open instead of instant downloads
  • Set default view to modules
  • Fix clearing the ChatBox timeline not deselecting the current clip
  • Fix pasting a clip sometimes failing causing an invisible clip
  • Added more validation to parameters and wildcards
  • Allow profiles to be copied
  • Upgraded all remaining window handling to use the WindowManager
  • Added more helper text in various places
  • Added more links to the docs in various places
  • Changed all windows to spawn on the screen their parent window is on, and in the center of the screen
  • Moved the 'Live Text' feature of the ChatBox to its runtime tab rather than the timeline
  • Added the ability to have dropdown lists of items instead of just enums for module settings
  • Add some hint buttons to various features
  • Add first time install window
  • Add information view
  • Altered some setting lookups
  • Fixed minimal background sometimes breaking with large ChatBoxes
  • Made start in tray more resilient
  • Improved KeybindPicker to allow for multiple regular keys
  • Improved KeybindPicker to fix not detecting keys correctly when Alt was held down
  • Guarded against crashes when the official modules aren't available
  • Ensured the first time setup window isn't closed when the official modules are installed in first time setup

Official Modules

  • Fixed the default state of SpeechToText not being set
  • Fixed some non-standard titles and descriptions in various modules
  • Added the ability for AFK Detection to minimise/maximise the VRChat window when you change AFK state
  • Changed Hardware Stats to provide all data in GB